Top 10 Healthy Vegan Foods High in Calcium

Top 10 Healthy Vegan Foods High in Calcium

If you're a vegan, you may wonder how to get enough calcium in your diet without relying on dairy products. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth and proper muscle and nerve function. Luckily, many plant-based foods are high in calcium and can help you meet your daily needs.

This article will explore the top 10 healthy vegan foods high in calcium. From leafy greens to nuts and seeds, tofu, tempeh to beans and lentils, algae and sea vegetables to dried fruits - we've got you covered with plenty of options.

So whether you're a seasoned vegan or just starting your plant-based journey, read on to discover some delicious ways to incorporate more calcium-rich foods into your diet.

Key Takeaways

  • Vegan sources of calcium include leafy greens, nuts and seeds, tofu and tempeh, beans and lentils, algae and sea vegetables, fortified plant milks and cereals, dried fruits, and herbs and spices.
  • Calcium is essential for strong bones, teeth, muscle and nerve function, and overall health, and adults should aim for at least 600mg of calcium per day through diet or supplements if necessary.
  • Tofu and tempeh are low in calories and fat, making them great additions to any vegan meal plan. At the same time, beans and lentils offer plant-based protein and other vital nutrients.
  • It's essential to check the nutrition label on any supplements or fortified foods, and talking to a doctor or registered dietitian is recommended for those concerned about meeting their calcium needs. Incorporating a variety of plant-based options into a diet can ensure adequate calcium intake for optimal health.

1. Leafy Greens

If you're looking for plant-based sources of calcium, don't overlook leafy greens - they are among the top 8 foods high in calcium, and they are also vegan!

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and collard greens contain high amounts of calcium that your body needs to maintain healthy bones.

Here are four vegetable sources of calcium that you should consider adding to your plate:

  1. Mustard greens: These leafy greens are an excellent source of calcium, providing 165 mg per cup. They also contain vitamin K, which helps with bone mineralization.

  2. Beet greens: Don't throw away those beet tops! One cup of cooked beet greens provides 164 mg of calcium. They also have antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation in the body.

  3. Swiss chard: Another leafy green that packs a punch when it comes to calcium is Swiss chard. One cup cooked contains about 102 mg of calcium as well as vitamins A and C for overall health benefits.

  4. Broccoli: Broccoli, a nutrient powerhouse, serves as a surprising calcium source, offering a beneficial dose of this essential mineral in just a single serving. It has approximately 47 mg of calcium per 100 grams.

Incorporating more leafy greens into your diet can be a simple yet effective way to increase your calcium intake. These vegetables are versatile and can be added to salads, smoothies, or cooked dishes.

So next time you're at the grocery store or planning a meal, remember these nutrient-rich vegetables that can benefit both your body and bone health!

2. Nuts and Seeds

Did you know that incorporating nuts and seeds into your diet can help increase your daily calcium intake? Just one ounce of sesame seeds contains 280mg of calcium, which is a little less than half of what you need on a plant-based diet

Almonds are also a great source of calcium, with just one cup providing you with around 385mg. These two foods are not only high in calcium content but are also packed with protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients.

Sampoorna Ahara's Sesame Iron & Calcium Laddu for Strong Bones is packed with calcium rich ingredients like sesame seeds, almonds and blackstrap molasses. It's a delicious and convenient way of upping your calcium and iron intake daily.

3.Tofu and Tempeh

Incorporating tofu and tempeh into your diet can provide you with a valuable source of calcium while offering an array of other essential nutrients for optimal health and well-being.

These vegan calcium sources are particularly beneficial for those who follow a plant-based diet or have lactose intolerance. Calcium-set tofu is an excellent option as it contains around 434mg of calcium per cup.

Apart from being rich in absorbable calcium, tofu and tempeh are excellent plant-based protein sources. Firm tofu offers about 20g of protein per cup, while tempeh provides approximately 31g.

Additionally, they contain all nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce independently but require for proper functioning. Thus, incorporating these soy-based products into your meals is a great source of protein too!

Experience the goodness of fresh, organic handmade tofu delivered plastic-free. Curdled with lemon for a less bitter, flavorful taste, it's perfect for Indian dishes with a texture similar to homemade paneer.

You can use firm tofu in stir-fries (we recommend nut butters instead of oil) or salads or marinate it before grilling or baking for added flavor. You can crumble tempeh into chili or pasta sauces or slice it thinly to make sandwiches. Also, try incorporating different varieties of tofu and tempeh into your meals to keep things exciting!

Easily incorporate tofu and nuts in your diet for a calcium boost with Tofu and nut-based cream cheese!

By adding these versatile ingredients to your dishes, you'll get the necessary daily dose of calcium and enjoy delicious meals that help support overall health and well-being.

4.Beans and Lentils

Get ready to add some serious fuel to your body's engine with the protein-packed powerhouses of beans and lentils. They are excellent plant-based protein sources and contain high amounts of essential minerals, including calcium.

Here are three types of beans and lentils that can help you boost your daily intake of calcium:

  1. Navy Beans - These small white beans pack a big punch regarding calcium content, with one cup providing over 120mg of the mineral. They're also a good source of fiber, iron, and folate.
  2. Black Lentils - Don't let their small size fool you; black lentils are loaded with nutrients! One cup contains around 37mg of calcium and other essential minerals like iron and potassium.
  3. Chickpeas - Also known as garbanzo beans, these legumes make a great addition to salads or can be mashed up into hummus for a tasty snack. One cup provides about 80mg of calcium, along with plenty of plant-based protein and fiber.

It's important to note that while all these foods are rich in calcium, absorption rates can vary depending on factors such as age and overall health status.

Indulge in the delectable flavors of the Beans Paruppu Usili, a must-try culinary delight that effortlessly combines simplicity, healthiness, and irresistible taste.

By incorporating more beans and lentils into your meals, you'll not only boost your daily intake of this essential mineral but also enjoy the benefits of plant-based protein and other vital nutrients for optimal health.

5. Algae and Sea Vegetables

Did you know that algae and sea vegetables are delicious and rich sources of calcium? These greens are often forgotten when talking about vegan sources of calcium, but they can provide a significant amount of this essential mineral to your daily diet.

Algae and sea vegetables such as nori, wakame, and spirulina contain high amounts of calcium per serving, making them an excellent choice for those looking to increase their calcium intake.

In addition to being a great source of calcium, algae, and sea vegetables also offer other health benefits. They are rich in plant-based protein and can help support bone health through the absorption of calcium.

Incorporating these greens into your daily diet can be an easy way to ensure you get enough nutrients while following a vegan lifestyle.

Adding algae and sea vegetables to your meals is an excellent way to boost your calcium intake while enjoying delicious flavors. Whether you use nori sheets in sushi rolls or add spirulina powder to smoothies, these vegan sources of calcium are versatile and easy to incorporate into any diet.

So why not give them a try today and reap the benefits they have to offer for your overall health!

6. Fortified Plant Milks

Fortified plant milks are a creamy and delicious alternative to dairy milk, with added nutrients like calcium to support strong bones and teeth. These vegan calcium sources are great for people who avoid dairy or have lactose intolerance.

Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth and supporting nerve function, muscle contraction, and blood clotting.

Some of the most popular fortified plant milks include soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, and oat milk. These plant-based options provide about 300-500 mg of absorbable calcium per cup, similar to the amount found in cow's milk.

However, it's essential to choose fortified plant milks that contain at least 30% of the daily value for calcium per serving to ensure adequate calcium intake.

Our mentor Dr. Michael Greger has found that fortified soy milk is the healthiest of all fortified plant milks out there.

7. Fortified Cereals

Starting your day with a bowl of cereal can be a great way to add some extra calcium to your diet, especially if you choose brands that pack a punch for this bone-building mineral.

Fortified cereals are an excellent source of vegan calcium and often contain up to 1,000 milligrams of calcium per serving.

In addition to being rich in calcium, many fortified cereals also contain plant-based protein and other essential nutrients like B vitamins and iron. By choosing fortified cereals made from whole grains, you can also benefit from the added fiber and antioxidants in these nutrient-dense foods.

As a result, fortified cereals make for a healthy breakfast option that is both convenient and delicious. While it's crucial to consume enough calcium each day, it's also equally important to get this mineral from whole foods whenever possible.

In addition to fortified cereals, there are plenty of other plant-based sources of calcium, such as green vegetables and tofu.

By making minor changes to your diet and lifestyle habits, you can ensure you get all the nutrients your body needs for optimal health and well-being.

8. Dried Fruits

Adding dried fruits to your diet can be a tasty and convenient way to boost your calcium intake. Dried fruits are rich in many essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are also an excellent source of calcium that can help you meet your daily recommended intake without consuming dairy products.

Here are two examples of dried fruits that are high in calcium:


  • Figs boast an impressive calcium content, with approximately 241 mg per 100 grams.
  • By consuming as few as three figs, you can easily obtain around 80 mg of calcium.
  • Enhance your breakfast routine by adding chopped figs to oatmeal or salad or breakfast cereal, creating a delicious and nutritious start to your day.


  • Delight in the calcium-rich goodness of apricots, with each fruit containing approximately 63 mg of this essential mineral.
  • Opting for apricots as a snack instead of unhealthy choices like chips or candy bars not only satisfies your cravings but also promotes a healthy lifestyle.
  • Elevate your salads or desserts by incorporating sliced apricots, adding a burst of flavor and nutritional value to your culinary creations.

If you're looking for dairy-free sources of calcium, incorporating dried fruits into your diet is an excellent place to start.

At Sampoorna Ahara, we have plenty of dry fruit delights such as Granola- Dry Fruit and Nut, Dry Fruit Butter Cookies, Dry Fruit Laddu and more for you to satisfy your sweet tooth, the healthier way!

9. Herbs and Spices

Now that you know all about the benefits of dried fruits, let's move on to another surprising source of calcium in vegan diets - herbs and spices.

While they may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of high-calcium foods, many herbs and spices actually contain impressive amounts of this vital mineral.

For example, just one teaspoon of thyme contains 4% of your daily recommended intake of calcium, while a tablespoon of dried basil packs in 3%.

Other herbs and spices that are good sources include cinnamon, oregano, parsley, and mint. Incorporating these flavorful ingredients into your meals can help boost your calcium intake without adding extra calories or fat.

Of course, it's important to remember that getting enough calcium is only part of the equation when it comes to maintaining healthy bones.

Eating a balanced whole food plant-based diet rich in other nutrients like plant-based protein and cruciferous vegetables is also key for promoting bone density.

If you're concerned about meeting your calcium needs on a vegan diet, book an online consultation with Dr. Achyuthan Eswar to learn how best to start your whole food plant-based journey and reclaim your health!

And as always, make sure to check the nutrition label on any supplements or fortified foods to ensure they contain adequate levels of this essential nutrient.

10. Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses is the nutrient-rich jaggery syrup that is left after most of the sugar has been extracted from it three times in a row.

In other words, it is 'jaggery MINUS white sugar'.

Because of this, it has all the good nutrients of jaggery without the harmful white sugar!

You don't see it often in shops near you because it is fermented to make alcohol in sugar factories because it is nutrient rich.

Health Benefits of Molasses:

Blackstrap Molasses gives you Stable Blood Sugar: Sugar, jaggery, maple syrup and even honey can cause a blood sugar spike after eating them. On the other hand, Blackstrap Molasses has been found to keep your blood sugar levels steady. This is especially useful if you are diabetic or have PCOS/PCOD.

Blackstrap Molasses is rich in nutrients: Unlike refined sugar, blackstrap molasses contains multiple vitamins and minerals including iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamin B6.

Prevent Anemia with Blackstrap Molasses: Blackstrap Molasses is a rich source of plant-based iron with high bioavailability. This can help you prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Prevent Constipation in Children: Because blackstrap molasses contains polysaccharides, it can help bulk up stool and make it soft and easy to pass. The potassium content also helps improve muscle contractions to ease constipation.

Strengthen Bones: A single tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses can give you up to 10% DV of calcium, making bones stronger and preventing osteoporosis.

Recipes and Meal Ideas

If you're looking for some tasty ways to incorporate vegan foods high in calcium into your meals, these recipes and meal ideas might just do the trick. Not only are they delicious, but they also provide plant-based protein and can help prevent calcium deficiency.

Tofu scramble with spinach and kale. Tofu is a great source of calcium, and the leafy greens add even more to the dish.

Sauted tofu and greens - sautéing diced tofu with garlic, onions, spinach, kale, and your favorite seasonings, and by just replacing oil with water or nut butter for a healthy breakfast or lunch option.

Ragi roti with sambar and peanut chutney. Ragi or finger millet is another good source of calcium, along with other important nutrients, you can make delicious ragi roti with a nice sambar side dish and peanut chutney.

You could also make traditional Indian dishes with delectable flavors like the Beans Paruppu Usili.

Stock up on calcium rich Sesame Iron & Calcium Laddu for Strong Bones for a quick and convenient high calcium snack that you can have everyday

In addition to these recipes, it's important to consider factors that can affect calcium absorption in the body.

For example, consuming enough vitamin D through sunlight exposure or supplements can help improve absorption. By incorporating a variety of whole food plant-based options into your diet, you can ensure you're getting enough calcium for optimal health.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much calcium do vegans need to consume daily?

Dr. Greger recommends 600mg of calcium daily as a vegan. This can be achieved through a balanced diet of fortified plant-based milks, leafy greens, tofu, beans, and nuts. Consuming enough calcium supports bone health and prevents osteoporosis.

Can calcium supplements replace the need for calcium-rich foods in a vegan diet?

No, calcium supplements cannot replace the need for calcium-rich foods in a vegan diet. It's important to consume whole foods to get a balance of nutrients and fiber.

How can vegans ensure they are getting enough vitamin D to aid calcium absorption?

To ensure adequate vitamin D intake for calcium absorption, you can spend time outdoors, consume fortified plant milks or cereals, or take supplements. Speak with a healthcare professional to determine the best approach for you.

Should vegans prioritize certain calcium-rich foods over others for optimal health benefits?

To optimize calcium intake, prioritize leafy greens like kale and collards, and tofu made with calcium sulfate. Don't forget to pair with vitamin D sources for optimal absorption. Remember that variety is key for overall health benefits.


Congratulations! You have just discovered the top 10 healthy vegan foods that are high in calcium.

By incorporating these plant-based options into your diet, you can ensure that you are getting enough of this essential mineral to support strong bones and teeth, as well as proper muscle and nerve function.

All these delicious foods are packed with calcium:

  • Leafy greens like kale and collard greens
  • Nuts and seeds like almonds and sesame seeds
  • Tofu and tempeh
  • Beans and lentils
  • Algae and sea vegetables like nori sheets
  • Dried fruits like figs and apricots
  • Herbs and spices like thyme and oregano
  • Blackstrap Molasses

So go ahead and try out some new recipes using these amazing ingredients. Your body will thank you for it by staying strong and healthy for years to come.

Remember: prevention is key when it comes to maintaining overall health. By taking care of your body now through a balanced diet rich in nutrients like calcium, you can prevent future health problems down the road.

Next Steps

Congratulations! Now, you know the top 10 vegan foods that are high in calcium! Here are additional tools to help you practically implement this newfound knowledge and start your journey toward transitioning to a plant-based diet:

  1. Book an online consultation with Dr. Achyuthan Eswar for a personalized medical consultation to prevent, treat and better manage lifestyle diseases through diet and lifestyle
  2. Learn to cook delicious whole food plant based goodies and sign up for courses on health and wellness from the comfort of you home. Join our online courses from anywhere in the world
  3. Get daily essentials to cook healthy meals at home
  4. Stock up on delicious sweets and snacks that are sugar/jaggery-free, oil-free, maida-free and plant-based - Available Pan-India

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