Dr. Achyuthan Eswar - Mar 23 2021
What are the benefits of a plant-based diet?

Awhole food plant based diet can have tremendous benefits not just for you, but even for the world around you.
There are are three major benefits of a whole food plant based diet:
Health: Whole Food Plant Based diets have been clinically and repeatedly proven to prevent, treat and even reverse diabetes, hypertension, obesity and heart disease.
Environment: Plant-based diets leave a much lighter environmental footprint than regular vegetarian or non-vegetarian diets.
Compassion: Plant-based diets directly prevent animal cruelty and slaughter.
Health Benefits of Whole Food Plant Based Diet
Whole Food Plant Based diets have been proven to be associated with several health benefits. It's amazing how changing the way we eat can help us feel amazing, get cleaner blood tests, and even help us live longer!

Weight loss: People who eat a plant-based diet comprised of whole foods tend to be leaner than those who don’t. They are also calorie dilute. This makes it easy to lose weight and stay at your ideal weight without counting calories or portion control. Whole food plant based diet could be the best solution to today's obesity epidemic.

Diabetes: Plant-based diets comprised exclusively of whole foods, exclude high glycemic index foods like sugar, jaggery, and honey. Also, the high antioxidant and fiber content of whole plant foods help address the root cause of diabetes, which is intramyocellular lipid accumulation and the accompanying oxidative stress.

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension: Processed foods and animal foods are among our highest sources of sodium today. When you switch to a low salt whole food plant based diet, your food may taste quite bland for the first five days, but after that you tongue will get resensitised and you will be able to enjoy the natural flavour of whole plant foods. Plant-based eaters have been found to have the lowest blood pressure levels, approaching 110/70 mmHg, which is our ideal blood pressure, even better than 120/80 mmHg. With lower blood pressure comes better protection from chronic kidney disease, heart attacks and strokes.

Cancer: Whole food plant based diets are rich in antioxidants and anti-cancer compounds, especially cruciferous vegetables and flaxseeds, reducing your risk of developing lifestyle-related cancers. Some of the leading types of cancer, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer, can be largely prevented through a healthier diet and lifestyle.

Heart Disease: Heart attacks are the number one cause of death in India, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Heart disease starts in childhood and by the time we are ten years, virtually every one of us already have the starting stages of heart disease. Whole food plant based diet is the only dietary therapy proven to prevent, treat and even reverse heart disease in a majority of people. We believe that this is reason enough for you and your loved ones to adopt a plant-based diet before it may be too late.

Dr. Achyuthan Eswar, Lifestyle Physician. Founder, Sampoorna Ahara, India's First Whole Food Plant Based Kitchen. Founder, Nutrition Science, India's First Whole Food Plant based Online School.
Very informative & motivating.
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Manoj R Shah